
Subrato Chandra, Ph.D., retired project manager for the Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership (BAIHP) and one of the pioneers of the building research division of the Florida Solar Energy Center, died Jan 12 following complications from surgery.
Subrato, who worked for FSEC for 34 years before retiring in 2010, was passionate about integrating energy efficiency into home design and, long before most people had ever heard the term photovoltaics, helped develop the concept of a PV powered house in 1979.
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Subrato Chandra, a pioneer of
buildings research at FSEC. |
Subrato Chandra receives the Governor’s Energy Award from Governor Bob Graham. |
Department of Energy’s Bob Hasset celebrates opening of Hot Water Systems
Lab with FSEC’s Danny Parker,
Subrato Chandra and Carolos Colon. |
Subrato Chandra celebrates his retirement from FSEC after 33 years of service (shown here with fellow researcher, Danny Parker). |
2008: An Overview of Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership (BAIHP) Activities in Hot-Humid Climates
BAIHP conducts systems research and technical assistance activities for new housing. Hot-humid climate efforts are described in this publication.
Publication |
Preventing House Dust Mites Allergens in New Housing
House dust mite allergens are a major cause of asthma. The objective of this study was preventing dust mite allergens in new houses with wall to wall carpets, not eradicating dust mites from infested homes. Five pairs of homes, located in the southeastern USA, were studied for an average of 12 months.
Publication |
1992: Energy Savings From Industrialized Housing Construction Systems And Roofing Tiles
Side-by-side tests were conducted to compare the cooling and heating energy use and electric peak demand requirements for two industrialized and one conventional room-sized prototypes. This paper presents results of testing carried out from August 1990 through June 1991 as part of the Energy-Efficient Industrialized Housing project.
Publication |
1986: Cooling With Ventilation
This handbook addresses the design of buildings using solar technologies integrated with air conditioning to meet cooling needs in climates that seasonally experience both high temperatures and high humidity.
Handbook |
1985: Fans to Reduce Cooling Costs in the Southeast
During the hot, humid summer months in the southeastern USA, air conditioning costs are a substantial part of the average home's utility bill. In Florida, air conditioning accounts for 30 percent of the annual utility bill for an all electric house. Fans can help lower air conditioning costs.
This publications discusses three generic types of fans to reduce summer air conditioning costs.
Publication |
Florida Commercial Energy Code Compliance: Methods, Tools and Verification
This 6-hour instructor-led course incorporates lecture, demonstration and exercises to provide students with an overview of building energy use contributors, Florida Commercial Energy Code compliance methods, tools and field verification issues. Offered February 20 and March 29, 2012.
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Florida Residential Energy Code Compliance: Methods, Tools and Verification
This 4-hour instructor-led course uses lecture, demonstration and exercises to provide students with an overview of building energy use contributors, Florida Residential Energy Code compliance methods, tools and field verification issues. Offered February 21 and March 30, 2012.
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Florida Green Home Certification Training
Becoming a Florida Green Building Coalition Certifying Agent. This two-day training offers green building techniques appropriate for Florida homes. Offered March 21-22, 2012.
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Commercial Energy Code and Green Building Modeling Using EnergyGauge Summit
This course will teach you how to use the EnergyGauge® Summit software. It is designed for first-time and experienced users. Offered April 11, 2012.
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EnergyGauge Commercial Rater Training
This course is designed to teach the methodology of commercial energy ratings in order to accurately assess commercial buildings. Offered April 12, 2012.
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EnergyGauge Rater Training Class 3, 2, and 1
Become a home energy rater. Classes offered in June, August, and December.
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